of West Frisco and Legacy West

West Frisco | 2660 Main St Frisco, TX 75033 | (972) 712-7332

Cathy Stein, Senior Director | cathy@krkwestfrisco.com

Legacy West | 5365 Lebanon Rd Frisco, TX 75034 | (469) 287-3185

Karen Kepley, Executive Director | karen@krkwestfrisco.com


Please complete the enrollment application along with the accompanying forms linked below. Some forms are age-specific. If the child you are enrolling does not meet the criteria for these groups, please disregard those forms.

Infant Specific Forms:

Infant Feeding Plan

APK & School Age Forms:

School Records, and Field Trip Permission Form

Enrollment Application

Registration Requirement Form

Emergency Contact Card

Physician Statement

Health and Emergency Form

Allergy Plan

Photo Video Release

Payment Authorization Form

Kids ‘R’ Kids Credit Card Fee Policy

TPFM Discount Agreement

Child Profile

Infant Feeding Plan

Transportation Agreement

Field Trip Permission Form

School Records

Parent Handbook

Dear Parents,

We would like to take this opportunity to welcome your family to ours and to thank you for choosing our school for your child’s early childhood education needs. Whether you are a first time parent or one with a few years of experience behind you, we are aware that choosing a preschool can be a very difficult decision. For this reason we strive to do all we can to help make this choice as easy as possible. Our goal is to provide the very best Pre-School experience for your family so that you may leave with the peace of mind knowing your child is receiving an unsurpassed education and care.

As a new family to our center, we know that any type of change involving your child can create a variety of different feelings. Please know that we are here to help make this transition as smooth as possible. Tammy and I opened our first school in West Frisco more than ten years ago. Since then we have worked hard to create a family oriented environment with our children, parents and teachers. All three of our children have worked in the school at one time or the other. You may notice that our staff has labeled our parking spaces as Grand Poobah and Mombear.

It is very important that parents feel as if we are partners in the care and education of their child. We have an “open door” policy at all times and encourage our parents to come by and visit with us about anything. Please know that management is always open and receptive to any ideas, comments, or concerns you might have. We strive for continuous improvement at our schools and we can only achieve that with your help.

We feel that developing a sense of community is very important, and over the course of a year we have many activities set up for our families to get to know our staff and us. We start off the Fall semester with an open house; then, in October, we have our annual Fall Festival, and moving into the holidays, a Christmas Craft night. We move into the spring with a spring carnival; then, we have Muffins with Mom at Mother’s Day; and finally, Donuts with Dad at Father’s Day. During the summer all of the DFW Kids ‘R’ Kids participate in Summer Olympics at AT&T Stadium usually towards the end of July. We promote charity through raising funds for Scottish Rite Hospital throughout the year and present a check at the Summer Olympics. We raised over $17,000 in 2015 that was matched by our franchisor for a total of over $34,000.

We participate in the military’s Child Care Aware program to support our military families. We also have a special discount for those members of our community that work in positions that are the basic foundation of our society such as Frisco and Little Elm teachers, police officers, and firefighters.

Please read the Parent Handbook carefully as many of your questions will be answered there. A Parent Orientation is scheduled before your child’s first day with a member of our management team to review all the questions you may have.

Once again, Tammy and I, along with our management team, would like to thank you for choosing Kids ‘R’ Kids and we look forward to working with you for years to come!

Warmest Regards,

Paul and Tammy Huff | Owners


We believe children should be "hugged first, then taught."

Kids 'R' Kids Learning Academies strives for every child in our care to feel safe, loved, and inspired. We are committed to providing a solid educational foundation, well-trained teachers, and a secure environment where children can flourish intellectually, socially, emotionally, and physically.

By fostering strong connections between families, our schools, and communities, we pledge to challenge and prepare all children for a positive impact in every step of their lives.



Kids 'R' Kids of West Frisco and Legacy West are open from 6:30 am to 6:30 pm Monday through Friday. Due to COVID-19, we will close at 6:00 pm until further notice.

You are free to drop off and pick up at any time throughout out the day within our operating hours. We do suggest that children are in their classrooms no later than 8:30 am so they won’t miss important curriculum time or learning opportunities. We also ask that parents not drop children off at nap time in order to prevent disrupting sleeping children.


The safety of the children in our care is our top priority. In order to maintain an environment conducive to the learning and development of your child, we must first provide safe and secure facilities by instituting several safety features. Our building is equipped with a cipher lock at the front door and all parents and staff utilize a PIN number or thumbprint scan for entrance into the building. In addition, each parent is required to log into a computer at each drop-off and pick-up. State of the art monitoring systems utilize computer screens at the reception area for continued viewing of the entire property as well as having members of management walk the building throughout the day.


The safety and well-being of the children in our care, their families, and our staff are our highest priority and is at the core of our Kids ‘R’ Kids mission and policies. We have been the pioneers in providing the best in safety features and procedures, and we will continue to lead the way.

Click to learn more (West Frisco)

Click to learn more (Legacy West)


Kids ‘R’ Kids of West Frisco and Legacy West offer parents the ability to log in to our secure online viewing site to see their children during their time with us each day. Our cameras are in all classrooms and provide our parents with peace of mind, anywhere access, transparency, and a sense of security while their children are in our care!


Our school employs full-time chefs to ensure that your child’s meals are properly prepared. Delicious food is served each day for breakfast, morning snack, lunch, and afternoon snack which is all included in the tuition. For children with certain dietary requirements, we also offer an appropriate alternative. We pride ourselves in being a nut-free environment to protect our little ones with allergies.


The lessons for each classroom are prepared by experts in the Early Childhood Field to ensure that your child is receiving a developmentally appropriate, well-rounded curriculum that meets state and national standards in every age group. Each week the classrooms follow theme-based units where children discover their world through hands-on activities, stories, exploration, and play. Specific learning goals are provided to the teachers with each unit so children can be evaluated on their progress.

In keeping with our mission of being The First Step to Higher Education® and our all-important role of fostering 21st-century learners, Kids ‘R’ Kids of West Frisco and Legacy West are proud to introduce STEAM AHEAD. Armed with the knowledge that the fields of science, technology, and engineering are expected to grow by leaps and bounds over the course of the coming years, we have developed an exciting new supplementary curriculum. STEAM AHEAD combines elements of science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics to expand the way our students not only learn, but also how they think about the world around them. When used in conjunction with a strong foundation from Kids ‘R’ Kids proprietary First Class Curriculum® and the brain development power of our exclusive Brain Waves™ curriculum, there are no limits to the possibilities our students’ futures might hold.


Teachers come to our schools because they have a passion for children and teaching. These special individuals have chosen early childhood education as a career and not just a job. Our unique advancement program allows teachers to climb a multi-tiered career ladder at their own pace and are promoted through their hard work and dedication.

Training is also something that we take very seriously. A well-trained teacher is a confident teacher who has the proper skills to be the very best that they can be. Teachers are encouraged and incentivized to further their education in the early childhood field by enrolling in a CDA (Child Development Associate Credential) class. Employees who enroll in this class are given monetary compensation for completing the class and once the testing is complete.


There simply isn’t enough time in a working family's schedule to run children to all the extra activities that you would like them to be involved in. Realizing this, we have brought some of these programs to your child! These outside vendors teach a variety of classes so there is always one that your child will want to try. Contact us for a current list of all the extra-curricular classes that we offer.


Our schools offer separate, age-appropriate playgrounds for children to run off the boundless amounts of energy they have every day! Children can strengthen their large motor skills by pedaling bikes, climbing up ladders and running after each other. Imaginations soar as play structures turn into pirate ships or a castle for a princess. Playgrounds are kept up to date and are safety tested.